Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Four weeks past treatment

Just a very short post to let you know that I am doing very well.  I have plenty of energy to see my friends, take care of the dog, and go on adventures.  I was in SF all day on Saturday, for instance.  I am much thinner and everyone says I "look good", which I think means "you look better with less weight".  Leslie even said I look hot.  Believe me, she hasn't said that in years!

Laura (Leslie's sis) really think my hair looks cute now.  Since, I have a big baldish area in the back—fully covered by hair above the radiation-burned line—my "style" looks different than usual.  I think it looks odd, but she swears it's a really good look.  Ok, I guess you can add that to the good things about cancer...improves hair style.

Well, is this better?

The mucus issue faded away about a week or so ago.  My mouth is much improved.  I still can't really eat without pain much beyond what I have been eating for weeks, but I can tell that will change very soon.

Essentially, I'm fine.  I'm resuming 'normal' life.  I will have a PET scan in a couple of months that will show if I am clear of cancer now.  I will post the results here when that happens.  Beyond that, the posts will be few and far between.  I do have one sum-up blog in me though, if you want to know what wisdom—if any—I gained by this experience.  Stay tuned for that...


  1. Though I miss the detailed blog posts, am delighted that you are back to living life as you know it. Continue to mend, and let's think about a time to get together, here or there. Lisa L

  2. Yay Robin! Hugs to you and Leslie.


  3. Your hair looks great. Personally, I love it.

  4. An elegant yet simple look. More movement. Divine.
    From a dedicated hair analyst- Lisa SD

  5. Hey, thanks, Lisa SD for making it clear who was communicating to me! And, Laura, I still will probably get it cut cause it is getting into my eyes...But, it will still be different from normal and, maybe, even better.
