Monday, June 27, 2011

Quick update, much cheerier

So, I am doing much better.  I am feeling like a human being again.  Leslie and I went to a movie yesterday (the new Woody Allen).  My friend Brian is about to swing by and we are going to the ocean with Ziggy.  Yes, the mucus is still doing the same thing, but I am now fully adapted to it as part of my current life. So, I no longer want to be alone.  I am happy if you want to give me a call or come by (though give me a little warning.)  If you happen to see me spew, it won't bother me anymore.

I am still very tired and I decided I just can't do the Ring operas at night.  But, come hell or high water, I am going to Gotterdammerung on Sunday.  It's a matinee and I know I can handle that.  Plus, as Anna Russell would tell you, it isn't like one misses any plot developments by missing the first three operas.  I know most people won't know what the hell I am talking about, but some of my blog readers most certainly will...

Anyway, I would say that I have returned to my former good humor.



  1. Fantastic news that you will get to see Gotterdammerung. I have only seen the Ring cycle on television, but you're right, you should never pass up an opera because you are worried that you won't catch on to the plot...

  2. Great news, Robin. I don't think you'll be disappointed at making the effort to do Gotterdammerung, though we will discuss. And I thought about Anna Russell during the whole cycle ("You DO remember Wotan?") Continue to feel better! Lisa L

  3. Lisa D here: boyhowdy, sure am glad that you are feeling like a human being again (and one of the finest I know.) Opera? glad someone likes it..I'm just not smart enough but I admire those who get it!

  4. FYI: Opera has nothing to do with smarts, everything to do with emotion.

  5. Robin, I was going to say something of the same thing. What I like about opera is the kind of total immersion experience it can be.

  6. You are sounding like Robin again. Good news!

  7. Congratulations on having made it through chemo and radiation! I'm so glad you're feeling better. I wish I were close enough to come visit.

