Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Anti-nausea drug management

So, I am much better today.  The reason is that I didn't take that drug that controls for nausea but turns you into a crawling zombie (walking wasn't an option).  The name of that drug is prochlorperazine (generic for compazine).  I don't recommend that drug.

Far better, so far, has been the ondansetron (generic for zofran).  Zombie isn't one of the side effects, just constipation, headaches, hives, itching, breathing problems, etc.  I have been trying to manage the possible constipation via metamucil and lots of liquids.  I haven't had the other side effects, so maybe I will be lucky. This particular drug is expensive, so Health Net did a weird thing:  my doctor prescribed 30 for a month; they only gave 9 for 22 days. My doctor had warned me about this problem, so I got her office advocating for more.  They succeeded, but Health Net charged me a $35/copay for the extra instead of the $5 copay for generics.  Thus, I just had to spend a half an hour getting my money back from Health Net.  I was able to get $30 of it back.

Speaking of money, looks like my little fender bender (it was really just a tiny dint) is going to cost $1269.  The whole auto repair racket is just behind the tow truck racket in my estimation.  But, it is what it is.  At least I got my 30 bucks back.


  1. Dear Robin,

    I have been worrying because I heard through Mark who heard from Nancy that you had cancer, but I knew nothing else. (By the way, Mark said to say "Thank you" for the work.) Glad to have discovered the blog and am extremely glad and relieved that it is not liver or pancreatic. My first reaction was to phone, but I left a message at Doug & Laura's, and now I know why that didn't work. I didn't want to email because I know that responding to emails takes a lot of time, and when I have been very ill, I wasn't in the mood for such things. You have always been so tough and mentally stable, so you are taking all of this much, much better than I would. I have read everything you wrote and will keep up with the blog. Thank you so very much for being so forthright and strong. I have always found traveling and moving to be very stressful, and I can't believe how you managed all that in addition to cancer!

    Now I'm going to search a bit for more pictures of Ziggy. The exam one was cute, and I love pictures of animals. Congratulations on the puppy!

    I hope Leslie is returning from L.A. area soon. Please call me sometime when you feel up to it, which I realize might not be for a couple of months.

    I send you my love and virtual big hugs,

  2. Nina,

    You were on my list of people to call! Leslie is back and we are settled down in the new house (which is just wonderful). It won't be months...but probably later in the week.

  3. Thanks, Robin. I am so glad Leslie is back! And I found great photos of Ziggy on her blog which I hadn't visited in a long time. Looking forward to hearing from you.


  4. Yes, I preferred Zofran to Compazine as well. I think Compazine might be anti-anxiety as well as anti-nausea, and who needs to be zombiefied?

    So glad to hear you're sussing this out!
